Corrie and Hogg reviewed some critical thinking questions from provincial exam to use with our science 10 curriculum.
Brainstormed a hands-on learning activity with the science 10’s that introduced the topic of adaptive radiation and natural selection.  Hoping to try with our linear 10’s and tweak as necessary.

  • Worked on a demo for junior science that introduces the scientific method, inquiry, inferencing...
  • Looked at improving student access to relevant demonstrations in the junior/senior science areas (this will be a theme).

Goal of the group: To increase the number and variety of hands-on, student engaging activities such as demos, labs, skits.  The group plans to reflect on how different teaching strategies help students learn and they will look for creative ways to illustrate important learning such as:
  • interesting science tidbits to start class
  • new labs/demos
  • video snipits

Possible Data Collection Methods:
  • survey
  • reflection log