We had an interesting discussion based meeting.  Three of our five
regular members were absent.  In their place, Brian Hurst and Trevor
Robinson were joined by Sabrina Wiens and Shawna Denman.  Brian is
continuing to work on his webpage, providing work and information to
parents and students.  We discussed methods of measuring how much use
this is receiving.  Trevor has instituted the use of "mind breaks"
during longer, lecture/discussion based classes, including playing short
(2-5 minute) action based games like "Bingo, Bango, Bongo", to get
students moving and blood flowing to their brains again.  Other topics
discussed included how one might add high interest activities to lessons
for students on self-paced programs, and the role of relationships in
motivating students.  Shawna shared her interest and involvement in
TRIBES training which is designed to facilitate relationships with