• Most group members voiced the concern that September was busier than expected. It's easy to fall back on "old ways" when under a time crunch.
  • Group members discussed the use of white boards.  They're good for group work and students seem to enjoy using them.  Hopefully this is more than the novelty effect.
  • We discussed the progress on websites and how to keep them updated from year to year, once established.
  • Mike commented on a couple of hands-on activities he tried since the last meeting -- an orange peel surface area activity and a measuring activity.  Both were well received by students.
  • The challenge of finding balance between activities and content coverage was also discussed.  There was general support for cutting back on direct presentation to allow for activities, but it is a balance.
  • The group recommitted themselves to the process of taking "baby steps" towards our individual goals under the umbrella question "How will alternate instructional strategies improve the learning and engagement of the students in my class?".